West Central Association - Chamber of Commerce

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Virtual Community Meeting - Proposed Development at 1016-20 W. Lake Street ✨🏡

Hello neighbors and community members,

We hope this post finds you well! 🌟 Thank you Alderman Burnett , Development Team, and to everyone who joined us for the recent virtual community meeting to discuss the exciting proposed development at 1016-20 W. Lake Street. Your engagement and input are invaluable to shaping the future of our neighborhood.

If you missed the meeting or want to revisit the discussion, you can watch the recording through this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/_9B0CRU19IaoesJuOHV3V2N8lOqriME5kG1uFO2n5064dHCU_ur25ytGIjC_ep96.zIBGoFoBTkfevW7l

Here's a quick recap of the key highlights from the meeting:

🌆 Project Overview:

We delved into the details of the proposed development, exploring its design, purpose, and potential impact on our community. The presentation covered everything from architectural plans to the intended use of the space.

🗣️ Community Feedback:

Your thoughts and concerns are vital to us! We had an open floor for questions and comments, giving everyone a chance to express their opinions and share ideas. Your feedback helps ensure that the project aligns with our community's values and needs. Please send comments/questions to info@wcachicago.org

🤝 Next Steps:

As we move forward, we'll continue to keep you updated on the development's progress. Stay tuned for further opportunities to engage and provide input. Your involvement is crucial in shaping the future landscape of our neighborhood.

🙏 Thank You:

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who took the time to attend the virtual community meeting. Your commitment to the well-being of our neighborhood is truly inspiring.

Feel free to share the video link with neighbors who might be interested, and together, we can create a vibrant and thriving neighborhood for all!

Again, reach out to info@wcachicago.org.


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